Thursday, 16 April 2015

Economic Thoughts

Economics is a big thing these days. Economic models seem outdated, growth just doesnt seem to be happening and, even if it is, it seems prety obvious it cant go on forever. Marx seemingly got communism badly wrong (something about selfishness) and capitalism had the oposite problem (it seems to make us worse).

So what to do? Bear with me while I pen a few experiments and their drawbacks:

Idea 1: immediately adjust pay to the average of all current wages, pay everyone per the hours they work.

Advantages: more are paid more evenly, helps the majority. Imediate end of working poor. Savings for big companies with many managers.

Disadvantages: small business go bust due to higher wages than they can afford. What should a rockstar do with their earnings?

It may be that after we calculate the difference, the rockstar ends with a fair share; but let us assume he doesnt for now!

2: An equal Pay Plus: pay everyone a living wage plus company performance bonus.

Advantage:could avoid small company problem amd rockstar problem,

Disadvantage: may cause company segregation and thus, inequality.

Company segregation: where managers,  cleaners, designers, shop-fitters etc. Each made into a separate company with SLAs to "group". Managets paid hugly outstrips others leaving us is tge same situation we are in now.

A Thought: would you pay the managers at all? Would this actually be a good system?

Any thoughts?

(*disclaimer: I dont think Marxism has ever occured, but susspect it may not work because it is too good for us. These thoughts triggered by Russell Brands recent exploits and a recurring philosophical thoughts. There will be typos, I typed this on my phone. Also I have not gone into much detail (same reason))